Kentucky Tourism Hits New Highs: $13.8 Billion in Revenue and 100,000 Jobs

Kentucky tourism is on fire – in a good way – as the state’s industry broke records for revenue and employment generation in 2023.

Record Year for Kentucky Tourism

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The state of Kentucky saw its tourism industry boom in the 2023 fiscal year, generating high revenue and more jobs than it ever has before, and breaking the previous record set in 2022. 

Billions Generated in 2023

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Over the course of the fiscal year Kentucky tourism generated a staggering $13.8 billion and provided 100,000 jobs throughout the year, according to Governor Andy Beshear.

“Opportunity and Prosperity”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

“We’re welcoming people to our new Kentucky home, one filled with opportunity and prosperity,”  Beshear announced at a weekly news conference on Thursday.

Celebration Event

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On the same day, he appeared at an event at the Castle & Key Distillery in Frankfort, to celebrate the record-breaking tourism year. 

The Industry is Booming

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“Our economy and our tourism industry are booming. More and more people want to visit Kentucky for our world-class destinations and events – creating more experiences for their families while generating jobs for Kentuckians,” Beshear declared at the event.

“Biggest Tourism and Economic Roll of Our Lifetime”

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He also described the tourist uptick as “the biggest tourism and economic roll of our lifetime” which was driven by heavy investment in the tourist industry.

On the Up Since the Pandemic

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The Bluegrass States’ surging economy has been significantly helped by tourism, which has been on an upward trajectory since the end of the Covid-19 pandemic.

A 4.5% Increase

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Over the course of 2023, it welcomed 79.3 million visitors, an increase of 4.5% over the previous year. These statistics were monitored and released in a study by Tourism Economics, an organization that collects and analyzes global tourism data.

Food and Beverage on Top

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The report broke down this record-breaking revenue by spending categories. The highest amount of revenue from tourists came via spending on food & beverages, which accounted for $2.54 billion.

Other Categories

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Coming in second is accommodation at $2.28b, followed by $1.68b on transportation, $1.82b on retail, and $1.26b on recreation and entertainment.

Culture and History

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The state’s tourist attractions are largely cultural and historical, with some outdoor adventure venues included. 

Booming Bourbon Tourism

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Bourbon tourism in particular is an enormous attraction for liquor lovers around the country who see Kentucky as the home state for bourbon. 

Bourbon Trails and Tours

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In particular, the Kentucky Bourbon Trail and the Kentucky Bourbon Trail Craft Tour teach visitors about the history of the liquor and the art of brewing it, as well as showcasing a number of smaller acclaimed bourbon distilleries.

More Than the Average Tourist

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

Now, distilleries have spent extra funds to tap into the cultural and historical side of the industry. Experts in the industry also claim that ‘bourbon tourists’ are more likely to stay in the state for longer and to spend more money than the average tourist. 

“Resurrecting Main Streets”

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“With distilleries now in 42 counties, bourbon tourism is resurrecting Main Streets across the commonwealth and pouring much-needed revenue into local coffers,” said the Kentucky Distillers’ Association president Eric Gregory. “And there’s more to come.” 

Other Attractions

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Other significant state tourist attractions include the Mega Cavern underground zipline tours in Louisville, the Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory, and the Mammoth Cave National Park.

Jefferson County on Top

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Naturally, Louisville, the largest city in the state, has been a major attraction for visitors, with $4.2 billion in tourism revenue being generated in Jefferson County, where the city is located.

Heritage Secretary Sings States Praises

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Lindy Casebier, the Cabinet Secretary of Tourism, Arts & Heritage also spoke at the Castle & Key event where she praised Beshear and the state government for their efforts.

“Improving Quality of Life for All”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Nancy Mao Smith

“Tourism in Kentucky is thriving thanks to the leadership of Gov. Beshear, the hard work of our communities, large and small, and the world-class destinations that welcome visitors to the commonwealth,” she said. “Tourism is economic development that creates jobs, investment, and transformative experiences while improving quality of life for all Kentuckians.”

Continuing to Expand

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Salivanchuk Semen

Beshear and the state government aren’t about to let the opportunity for continued growth slip out of their hands. “Together, we will continue to expand this success and welcome visitors to experience the natural beauty and warm hospitality of our new Kentucky home,” he concluded during the conference.

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Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Pavone.

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