Parenting Advice That Didn’t Stand the Test of Time


Parenting is a journey filled with advice from all corners—some good, some bad, and some that fall out of favor as times change. Here are several examples of once-popular parenting advice that many parents now look back on with regret.

#1. Gina Ford’s Cry It Out Method

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Volodymyr Maksymchuk

The “cry it out” method, popularized by Gina Ford, encouraged parents to let their babies cry themselves to sleep to establish a routine. Many now feel this may have ignored important emotional cues from their children.

#2. Strict Feeding Schedules

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Older generations often adhered to rigid feeding schedules, believing babies must eat every four hours, not sooner. This approach is now considered less responsive to the natural varying hunger cues of infants.

#3. Baby Walkers

Image Credit: Shutterstock / DAMRONG RATTANAPONG

Parents once commonly used baby walkers to encourage walking sooner. Research later showed they can delay walking development and increase accident risk.

#4. Overemphasis on Cleanliness

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Yuganov Konstantin

The advice to keep children in overly sanitized environments has been questioned, as exposure to common germs can actually strengthen immune systems.

#5. Spanking

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Many parents were advised that spanking was an effective discipline method. Over time, research has shown it can lead to increased aggression and mental health issues in children.

#6. Early Potty Training

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Conventional wisdom once dictated toilet training should start as early as possible. Experts now suggest waiting until the child shows readiness can lead to a more positive experience.

#7. Use of Cough and Cold Medicines in Young Children

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Parents used to give over-the-counter cough and cold medicines to toddlers, but studies have found them to be ineffective and potentially harmful at young ages.

#8. Strict Bedtime Schedules

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Insisting on overly strict bedtime schedules without flexibility was common. Many now believe a more adaptable approach can better suit different children’s sleep needs.

#9. Avoiding Peanuts to Prevent Allergies

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It was once advised to avoid giving young children peanuts to prevent allergies. Recent guidelines suggest early exposure might actually help prevent peanut allergies.

#10. Discouraging Fat Intake

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tatyana Dzemileva

Parents once limited all types of fats in their children’s diets following low-fat diet trends. We now know healthy fats are important for brain development in children.

#11. Staying Inside to Avoid Sun Exposure

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Yuganov Konstantin

Avoiding the sun entirely was common advice to protect children’s skin. However, moderate sun exposure is important for vitamin D production.

#12. Limiting Screen Time Strictly

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Jelena Stanojkovic

While limiting screen time is still advised, the old approach often didn’t consider the educational and social benefits that appropriate screen use can provide.

#13. Teaching Children Not to Talk to Strangers

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

The blanket advice to “never talk to strangers” has shifted towards teaching kids how to discern between safe and unsafe situations and people.

#14. Always Finish Your Plate

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Irina Wilhauk

Parents often insisted children clear their plates to teach good habits. This can ignore children’s natural ability to regulate their hunger and fullness.

#15. Children Should Be Seen and Not Heard

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This old adage discouraged children from participating in conversations. Many regret not encouraging their children to express themselves more openly.

#16. Relying Heavily on Baby Formula

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dima Sobko

Formula was promoted as an equal alternative to breastfeeding without highlighting the benefits that breastfeeding can offer.

#17. Delaying Introducing Technology

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tomsickova Tatyana

While concerns about technology use are valid, completely delaying its introduction can hinder children’s ability to engage with modern learning tools effectively.

Embrace Progress

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Liderina

Each piece of parenting advice comes with its era’s wisdom and limitations. As our understanding of child development evolves, so does our approach to raising children, often leading to reflections on past practices. What’s an old parenting tip you now view differently?

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The post Parenting Advice That Didn’t Stand the Test of Time Following first appeared on Thrift My Life.

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