Dream Job at 60? Here Are 15 Strategies to Make It Happen

According to news reports, the U.S. job market is robust, and employers are desperate for workers. Despite these claims, many people, especially those over 60, struggle to find employment. Being a mature jobseeker doesn’t mean being automatically excluded from the workforce. There are several things experienced workers can do to land their ideal position. People offered tips on landing jobs for workers of a certain age, and their advice is worth noting.

#1. Prioritize Your Job Search

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Looking for a new career isn’t easy, so your job search should be considered a full-time occupation. Each day, prepare yourself as if you already had a job – get dressed, fix your hair, have breakfast, etc. – then start hitting the job boards. It may take a few months or longer before landing your first interview, but think of this time as an investment in yourself, and you can’t put a price tag on that.

#2. Become a Consultant

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Becoming a consultant is one of the best ways to leverage your knowledge and experience. Create a name for your consulting company and register as the only member of a limited liability company (LLC) with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You can seek contracts with private companies, non-profit organizations, or government agencies. Consulting work can also lead to full-time employment.

#3. Look for Government Jobs

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Jobseekers with years of professional experience shouldn’t limit their search to the private sector. Open jobs are abundant in all levels of government, including city, county, state, and federal entities. Workers of all backgrounds can find an occupation that suits them. Some of the many upsides to a government job are stability, paid holidays, and generous pensions.

#4. Apply for a Postal Job

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One type of government job that is in high demand and provides job security, excellent wages, and benefits is working for the U.S. Postal Service. If the thought of being a mail carrier doesn’t appeal to you, don’t worry. There are available positions that don’t involve being out in the elements. You can find work in sorting, handling, sales, service, driving, and mechanical.

#5. Network, Network, Network

two women drinking coffee talking
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One of the best tools out there for finding another career is to network. Contact people you know professionally or personally to ask if they know of any current or upcoming job openings with their companies. LinkedIn is an ideal platform for connecting with other professionals and groups. You’ll only know what opportunity is out there if you ask first!

#6. Work on a Freelance Basis

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Freelancing is a great income source, especially while seeking a full-time job. There are websites with postings of available freelance jobs and platforms for freelance workers to offer their services, like Upwork and Fiverr. When you work as a freelancer, you can set your schedule and work as little or as much as you want. If flexibility is important, freelancing may be the way to go.

#7. Sharpen Your Skills

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No matter your knowledge of a particular subject, there’s always room to learn more. Consider taking a free or low-cost online training course to develop a new skill or enhance your existing skills. Contact your local job center to see if you qualify for free training, especially if you’re a displaced worker. The additional education is a great addition to a resume.

#8. Start Part-time

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If there’s a company or organization you’d love to work for, consider working as a part-time employee. You won’t receive the full-time pay and benefits, but at least it gets your foot in the door. Use that part-time employment as a chance to show the company what you bring to the table. That can become the path to a full-time career if that’s what you’re looking for.

#9. Non-profit Work

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The non-profit sector isn’t traditionally known for having the highest salaries. Still, the work can be personally fulfilling and professionally rewarding. In addition, non-profit organizations generally have excellent benefits and more flexible employment terms like remote or hybrid work. If you’re willing to take a salary cut in exchange for career satisfaction, a career with a non-profit organization may be in the cards for you.

#10. Refresh Your Resume

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If you can’t remember the last time you updated your resume, it’s time to spruce it up. For starters, only include your relevant employment history from the previous ten years. Highlight your achievements with each employer, and don’t be afraid to sing your praises. You’re selling yourself to prospective employers to land a new career. It’s not the time to be shy.

#11. Get Career Counseling

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If you’re having difficulty finding a new job or don’t know where to start, seek career counseling and coaching services either in your area or online. Some of these programs are for mature job seekers. They can help update your resume, create or update your LinkedIn page, and help you prepare for job interviews. They can also assist you in creating a portfolio of your work if needed.

#12. Expand Your Horizons

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If your current or previous occupation is in one field, that doesn’t mean you’re limited to careers in that realm. Your experience and skills may be transferable to other career areas. Do your research, talk to others in the industries you’re interested in, see how your skills match potential careers, and apply. There’s no harm in taking a chance on something new.

#13. Be Tech Savvy

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Being a seasoned worker doesn’t mean you’re clueless regarding technology. Even if tech isn’t your strong suit, you can still learn the basics and work up from there. Familiarize yourself with software programs like Microsoft 365 and Adobe Creative Cloud. There are free online tutorials that teach you how to use them. You don’t have to be an expert-level user, but a basic knowledge of how they function can only help.

#14. Include Cover Letters

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Your resume may be complete with your skills and achievements, but cover letters are a wonderful opportunity to explain to a prospective employer why you are a good fit with their company and why they should hire you. Cover letters are also useful for including details not in your resume and describing how your experience fits a specific role within an organization.

#15. Be Confident

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Your extensive career experience is something to celebrate; you shouldn’t be afraid to let that light shine. You may not have the exact qualifications for the job you’re applying for, and that’s okay! If you go into the job searching and interviewing processes feeling confident in yourself and your abilities, that makes the best impression on hiring managers.

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The post Dream Job at 60? Here Are 15 Strategies to Make It Happen first appeared on Thrift My Life.

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